This year's slate of officers for GMHS:
Jordan Hammond, Student Body PresidentLauren Otto, Student Body Vice-PresidentMeagan Proper, Student Body SecretaryCurtis Reed, Student Body TreasurerGillian Meyer, Student Body Student Relations CoordinatorSenior Class Officers:
Gabe Chrismon, PresidentCaroline Curtis, Vice-PresidentAnna Burke, SecretaryAnna Powell, TreasurerLinsey Pittman, Projects DirectorDustin Pickett, Student Relation’s CoordinatorJunior Class Officers:
Dasmier Chambers- Jr Class presidentCharmaela Chavis- Jr Class vice-presidentTyler Mooney- Jr Class secretaryEllen Chalk- Jr Class treasurerTaylor Bailey- Jr Class projects directorKelsey Light- Jr Class student relation’s coordinatorSophomore Class Officers:
Hannah Jones- Sophomore class presidentTasheena Blackwell- Sophomore class vice-presidentMatthew Marcom- Sophomore class secretarySamuel “Sammie” Shelton- Sophomore class treasurerBrett Walters- Sophomore class projects directorAlready this year, your government officers have pleaded the case to WCPSS against the student parking fees and represent your interests in student affairs.